Le Schilling - Ancienne monnaie Autrichienne

Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco Biens inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco

Drapeau Autriche Capitale Superficie Langue Officielle Fête Nationale
Vienne 83 858 km2 Allemand 26 octobre

Taux de Change / Exchange Rate
Heure Locale / Local Time 10:54

Date Euro / Dollars Dollar / Euros Code ISO
30/04/2020 1 Euro = 1.09050 Dollars 1 Dollar = 0.91701 Euros EUR

Schilling 1924-1938 et 1945-2001, depuis 2002 la monnaie est l'Euro

1 Euro = 13,7603 Schillings Autrichiens au 1er janvier 2002

Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
20 Schillings 
Moritz Michael Daffinger
(born 24 January 1790 in Wien, died 21 August 1849 in Wien)
Daffinger is one of the most famous painters of the Biedermeier style
Albertina Wien
One of the largest collections of graphics in the world
Especcially famous for its collection of works from Albrecht Dürer
The building was erected from 1742 to 1745 as Palais Taroucca.
It was later extended with the Study Room and the Hall of Minervahalle
(After plans of Josef Georg Kornhäusel)
Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
50 Schillings 
Sigmund Freud (born 6 Mai 1856 in Freiberg (Pribor) in Moravia,
 died 23 September 1939 in London)
Freud is the founder of psycho analysis
Josephinum Wien
Erected from 1782 to 1785 by Isidor Canevale. Since 1920 it houses the
Institut für Geschichte der Medizin (Institute for the history of medicine)
and a display of anatomical wax models
Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
100 Schillings 
Eugen Böhm von Bawerk (born 12 February 1851 in Brünn (Brno), died 28
August 1914 in Kramsach/Tirol). Böhm von Bawerk is an important economist.
He was president of the academy of sciences from 1911. Together with
Karl Menger and Friedrich Wieser he founded the Österreichische Schule
der Nationalökonomie (Austrian school of national economics)
Akademie der Wissenschaften (Academy of sciences)
Erected from 1735 to 1755 by Jean Nicolas Jadot de Ville-Issey
as aula of the Alte Universität (Old University)
Since 1857 it houses the Akademie der Wissenschaften
Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
500 Schillings 
Rosa Mayreder (30 November 1858, Vienna - 19 January 1938, Vienna)
She was an Austrian freethinker, author, painter, musician and feminist.
In 1893 she founded the Allgemeinen Österreichischen Frauenverein
(Common Austrian Women Association)
Participants of the Bundestags Österrreichischer Frauenvereine
(federal meeting of the Austrian women associations) in Wien 1911
Portraits of Rosa and Karl Mayreder
Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
1000 Schillings 
Karl Landsteiner (14 June 1868 – 26 June 1943)
Landsteiner was an Austrian biologist and physician. He is noted for his
development in 1901 of the modern system of classification of blood groups
from his identification of the presence of agglutinins in the blood, and in 1930
he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Karl Landsteiner in his laboratory in the Pathologisch-Anatomischen
Institut der Universität Wien (pathologic-anatomic institute of the
university of Vienna). Model of a polio virus and stilised model
to determine blood groups
Schilling Autriche Schilling Autriche
5000 Schillings 
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Born 27 January 1756 in Salzburg, died 5 December 1791 in Vienna
Mozart was a prolific and highly influential composer of Classical music
Staatsoper Wien (State Opera in Vienna)
The original State Opera House, a neo-romantic building was erected
 between 1861 and 1869 by Eduard van der Nüll and August Sicard von
Sicardsburg. It was inaugurated on 25 May 1869 with Mozart's Don Giovanni
Bank Oesterreichische Nationalbank
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