Le Real - Monnaie Brésilienne |
Capitale | Superficie | Langue Officielle | Fête Nationale | |
Brasilia | 8 547 404 km2 | Portugais | 7 septembre |
Taux de Change / Exchange Rate |
Date | Euro / Reais | Real / Euros | Code ISO |
30/04/2020 | 1 Euro = 4.73270 Reais | 1 Real = 0.21130 Euros | BRL |
1 Real | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Hummingbird (Amazilia lactea). Found mainly in South America and more than a hundred species are found in Brazil. |
2 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). One of the five sea turtle species found in the Brazilian coast. |
5 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Great egret (Casmerodius albus). Long-legged wading bird (Family Ardeidae). Species representative of the fauna found in the Brazilian territory. |
10 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Greenwing Macaw (Ara chloreptera), Large colorful parrot of the Psittacidae family. It is found in the Brazilian territory and in other Latin-American countries. |
20 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Golden Lion Tamarin (Leonthopitecus rosalia). Reddish orange to golden brown primate and with long tail, native to the Atlantic forest of Brazil. It is a symbol of the struggle for the preservation of endangered Brazilian species. |
50 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Jaguar (Panthera onca) Large and beautiful feline, threatened with extinction, but still found mainly in the Amazon Basin and in the Mato Grosso forests. |
100 Reais | |
Effigy of the Republic, portrayed as a sculpture. | Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus). Fish of the family Serranidae, and it is one of the most known found in the Brazilian coast. |
Banco Central do Brasil | |
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