Le Manat - Monnaie d'Azerbaïdjan

Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco Biens inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco

Drapeau Azerbaidjan Capitale Superficie Langue Officielle Fête Nationale
Bakou 86 600 km2 Azéri 28 mai

Taux de Change / Exchange Rate
Heure Locale / Local Time 04:24

Date Euro / Manat Manat / Euros Code ISO
30/04/2020 1 Euro = 1.10080 Manat 1 Manat = 0.90843 Euros AZN
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
1 Manat 
Azerbaijan national musical instruments : Tar, Kamancha and Daf.
The background is enhanced with ancient carpet patterns of Azerbaijan.
Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
and Azerbaijan national ornaments
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
5 Manat 
Literature personalities, ancient books and part from the state anthem Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
Qobustan rock hieroglyphs, Orhon-Yenisei alphabet and modern writing
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
10 Manat 
Old Baku, Shirvanshahs Palace, and Maiden Tower with
the old fortress walls in background
Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
and typical Azeri carpet ornaments
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
20 Manat 
Symbols of power : sword, helmet, shield
and Khari Bulbul as the symbol of peace
Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
and Azerbaijan national ornaments
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
50 Manat
Example of future : stairs representing rising and development,
chemical and mathematical symbols representing science
Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
and ornaments of ancient Azeri carpets
Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Manat Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan
100 Manat 
Development from ancient times to present through architectural symbols Maps representing Azerbaijan’s integration into Europe
and traditional Azerbaijan national ornaments
Bank National Bank of Azerbaijan
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