Le Dinar - Monnaie du Koweït

Drapeau Koweit Capitale Superficie Langue Officielle Fête Nationale
Koweit City 17 818 km2 Arabe 25 février

Taux de Change / Exchange Rate
Heure Locale / Local Time 23:11

Date Euro / Dinars Dinar / Euros Code ISO
30/04/2020 1 Euro = 0.31920 Dinars 1 Dinar = 3.13283 Euros KWD
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
1/4 Dinar 
Kuwaiti Dhow "Al-Mouhaleb" and Kuwaiti Chest Young girls playing traditional game
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
1/2 Dinar 
Kuwaiti Money Changers' Stalls and Kuwaiti Coffee Pot Young boys playing traditional game with marbles
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
1 Dinar 
Kuwait Towers and traditional Oil Lamp Mina Al-Shuwaikh and traditional Water Storage Vessel on Stand
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
5 Dinars 
New Telecom Tower 'Liberation Tower' and traditional Grinding Stone Oil Refinery, Al-Zour Power Station, Kuwaiti Water Tanks and Electricity Pylons
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
10 Dinars 
Great State Mosque and traditional Water Vessel Dhow under full sail, traditional Kuwaiti door, Pearl Diving Scene and
Kuwaiti Incense Burner
Dinar Koweït Dinar Koweït
20 Dinars 
Red Fort at Jahra and Cannon at the Red Fort Central Bank of Kuwait Building and Gateway in the Old Wall of Kuwait City
Bank Central Bank of Kuwait
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