Le Denar - Monnaie de Macédoine |
Capitale | Superficie | Langue Officielle | Fête Nationale | |
Skopje | 25 713 km2 | Macédonien | 8 septembre |
Taux de Change / Exchange Rate |
Date | Euro / Denars | Denar / Euros | Code ISO |
30/04/2020 | 1 Euro = 59.62550 Denars | 1 Denar = 0.01677 Euros | MKD |
10 Denars | |
Statue of the Goddess Isida from III century B.C., in Ohrid | Peacock, detail from the floor mosaic from the baptisteries of the Episcopal Basilica in the ancient city of Stobi from the V-VI cetury. A.D. |
50 Denars | |
Folis, copper, Anastasie I (491-518) | Archangel Gabriel from the the scene of the Annunciation on the east wall of the church of St. Ghiorghi in Kurbinovo on the Lake Prespa |
100 Denars | |
Ceiling rosette in deep relief in Albanian town house in Debar | Skopje, engraving made by a Holland printer Jacobus Harevin in 1594, now in custody in Numberg |
500 Denars | |
Golden-Mask, Trebenista, Ohrid dating from the VI century B.C. | Poppy (Papaveraceae) |
1000 Denars | |
Madonna Episkepsis from the church of St. Vrachi-Mali, Ohrid, early XIV century |
Detail from the church of "St. Sofia" in Ohrid, built in X-XI centuries |
5000 Denars | |
Tetovo Maenad, VI century B.C. | Mosaic from the floor of the Nartex in the Great Basilica in Heraklea Linkestis, Cerberus the Dog is tied to the fig tree, VI century |
National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia | |
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