La Couronne - Monnaie Islandaise

Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco Biens inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco

Drapeau Islande Capitale Superficie Langue Officielle Fête Nationale
Reykjavik 103 106 km2 Islandais 17 juin

Taux de Change / Exchange Rate
Heure Locale / Local Time 21:11

Date Euro / Couronnes Couronne / Euros Code ISO
30/04/2020 1 Euro = 138.23000 Couronnes 1 Couronne = 0.00723 Euros ISK
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
10 Couronnes 
Arngrímur Jónsson (1568-1648), scholar and author of book defending
Icelandic customs and culture.
Old Icelandic household scene and household implements.
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
50 Couronnes 
Bishop Gudbrandur Thorláksson (1541-1627) at Hólar who published
the first edition of the Bible in Icelandic in 1584.
Early printers at work.
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
100 Couronnes 
Professor Árni Magnússon (1663-1730),
collector of early Icelandic manuscripts.
Monk working on manuscript.
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
1000 Couronnes 
Brynjólfur Sveinsson (1605-1675), Bishop of Skálholt, with borders and
 background featuring pictures from a bedspread at the National Museum;
the written denomination is in a typeface matching the inscription on the
baptismal font at Brynjólfskirkja [Brynjólfur's church], Skálholt.
Brynjólfskirkja church (1650-1802) at Skálholt, with a cross-section of it
 in the background. The main pattern is the same as on the borders on the
obverse. At the side is an image of the Madonna from a gold ring owned
by Bishop Brynjólfur Sveinsson.
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
2000 Couronnes 
Artist Jóhannes S. Kjarval (1885-1972); in the background is a stylised
 detail from his painting Outside and Inside.
Kjarval's painting Yearning for Flight and
his drawing Woman and Flowers.
Couronne Islande Couronne Islande
5000 Couronnes 
Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir (1646-1715), third wife of Gísli Þorláksson, Bishop
 of Hólar; and the bishop and his two earlier wives, Gróa Þorleifsdóttir and
Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir.
Ragnheiður Jónsdóttir instructing two girls in embroidery, with initials
from her pattern book at the side.
Bank Central Bank of Iceland
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