Le Dollar - Monnaie Canadienne
Série 2006

Patrimoine Mondial de l'Unesco Biens inscrits sur la liste du Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco

Drapeau Canada Capitale Superficie Langues Officielles Fête Nationale
Ottawa 9 970 610 km2 Anglais, Français 1er juillet (Dominion Day)

Taux de Change / Exchange Rate
Heure Locale / Local Time 11:18

Date Euro / Dollars Dollar / Euros Code ISO
30/04/2020 1 Euro = 1.44850 Dollars 1 Dollar = 0.69037 Euros CAD
fl Dollar Canada (1954)
Dollar (Série 1954)
Dollar Canada (1954)
Dollar Canada (2012)
Dollar (Série 2012)
Dollar Canada (2012)
5 Dollars Canada 5 Dollars Canada
5 Dollars (2006) 
Sir Wilfrid Laurier (Prime Minister 1896-1911)
& the West Block of Parliament
Children skating, tobogganing and playing hockey
10 Dollars Canada 10 Dollars Canada
10 Dollars (2006) 
Sir John A. Macdonald (Prime Minister 1867-1873, 1878-1891)
& the Library of Parliament
Remembrance and Peacekeeping.
A veteran and two young people observe a Remembrance Day service as members of
the Land and Naval Forces stand vigil.
20 Dollars Canada 20 Dollars Canada
20 Dollars (2006) 
Queen Elizabeth II Artwork of Bill Reid (1920-1998)
the Raven and the First Men and the Spirit of Haida Gwaii
50 Dollars Canada 50 Dollars Canada
50 Dollars (2006) 
William Lyon MacKenzie King (Prime Minister 1921-1930, 1935-1948)
& the Peace Tower
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), the Famous 5 (1929)
&  Thérèse Casgrain (1896-1981)
100 Dollars Canada 100 Dollars Canada
100 Dollars (2006) 
Sir Robert L. Borden (Prime Minister 1911-1920)
& the East Block of Parliament
Historic and satellite maps of Canada
Bank Bank of Canada
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